Collaboration with Jesuit University Centres
The collaboration between the Jesuits and the Handmaids is common and frequent: we both share the same spirituality – a common language and lifestyle – and have similar ways of reaching out to people and proclaiming Jesus. The Handmaids are involved in the pastoral work of the University Jesuit Centres in several cities of our…
Collaboration with Casa Velha association
Located 17 km from Fátima, in the central region of Portugal, the Casa Velha association is a place for encounters and personal development, through its Christian identity. It promotes direct contact with nature, cultural, social and spiritual activities, that foster the healthy development of relations with oneself, with God and with others. Currently, the association promotes…
House of prayer – France
Desde 1986 animamos uma casa diocesana de acolhimento e oração em Avernes, na Diocese de Pontoise, a 50 km al noroeste de Paris. Avernes é uma pequena aldeia situada entre campos e bosques, numa zona marcadamente rural do Val d’Oise, frequentemente retratada pelos pintores impressionistas do princípio do séc. XX. As famílias que aqui vivem…
House of prayer – Palmela, Portugal
Saint Raphaela Mary’s House of Prayer, in Palmela, is a Centre of Spirituality of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Its mission is to promote the encounter and reconciliation of people with themselves, with others and with God. It has a peaceful and beautiful atmosphere, where silence and simplicity allow recollection and prayer.…
Collaboration with CLC
Tanto em Portugal (Lisboa e Porto) como em Inglaterra, as Escravas colaboram com as Comunidades de Vida Cristã, sendo guias de grupos, tanto de CVX de adultos como de CVX-U, as CVX de universitários.