Sister Eileen FitzGerald is Irish and has lived for many years in South America. She has lived in Peru and Brazil and at present lives in Cochabamba, Bolivia. She is a lecturer and tutor in Systematic Theology, in the Saint Peter department of Theology of the Catholic Bolivian University. This department currently has around 160 students: religious, seminarians and lay people from different parts of Bolivia and some other countries. Eileen also edits Yachay, which is the Faculty’s journal of culture, philosophy and theology.
Eileen lives in a community which is inserted in the marginal district of Las Lomas. The mission there unfolds in terms of homework clubs, play activities, family visits and catechism. It is carried out in close collaboration with members of the ACI Family, personnel and pupils from our school, other religious congregations and the Pastoral Agency in the Archdiocese.
This year they are introducing the pastoral programme for children in Las Lomas, training local leaders to accompany expectant mothers and children up until the age of 6 in terms of nutrition, health care and christian values.