Collaboration with Leigos para o desenvolvimento

Leigos para o Desenvolvimento (“Laity for Development”) is a non-profit association with a legal, canonical and civil personality, officially recognised as a Non-Governmental Development Organization (NGO). It is an association inspired by Ignatian spirituality and it, currently, develops projects in Angola, Mozambique, Portugal and Sao Tome and Principe. Young volunteers work there for at least…

On a mission… in Chile

After two months of witnessing the suffering of victims of the floods at Tierra Amarilla, in Chile, Sister Rita Cortez tells us about her experience: “Before landing, I am sending you some of my impressions from Chile. It will not be easy, because I feel the strength and the magnitude of the mountain range, the…

2nd International Assembly of the ACI Family

The second International Assembly of the ACI Family took place in February 2014, in Madrid, with the theme “ACI Family a gift of the Spirit… for the world”. Here are the testimonies from the assembly. From Portugal From Congo From East Timor From Italy News (in Spanish): Contagem decrescente Chegam os participantes Primeiro dia da segunda Assembleia II Assembleia internacional:…

ACI friends

What are the ACI friends? The “ACI Friends” are people who follow Jesus’ request “ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest”. They are committed to praying every day for vocations for the Institute. We suggest the following prayer:            “Lord of the universe and…


What is the Association of Adorers? The Association of Adorers is a group of lay people, who want to live in awareness of the need for reconciliation within the spirit of the Institute of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, like Saint Raphaela. The Association has been in existence since the beginning of…

ACI Communities

What are ACI communities? ACI communities is a concrete way of living the Christian life that the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus offer to lay groups in order to share the spirituality of Saint Raphaela Mary, their foundress. ACI communities get together regularly to pray, share life with all its difficulties and joys,…