Mission News

The Atlantic Europe province supports, with donations and prayers from people, the work carried out in remote locations. We gather the contributions from many friends and anonymous people and send them to the communities of Handmaids in the various missions. They write back with news of the various works that have been helped by the…

House of prayer – France

Desde 1986 animamos uma casa diocesana de acolhimento e oração em Avernes, na Diocese de Pontoise, a 50 km al noroeste de Paris. Avernes é uma pequena aldeia situada entre campos e bosques, numa zona marcadamente rural do Val d’Oise, frequentemente retratada pelos pintores impressionistas do princípio do séc. XX. As famílias que aqui vivem…

On a mission… in Bolivia

Sister Eileen FitzGerald is Irish and has lived for many years in South America. She has lived in Peru and Brazil and at present lives in Cochabamba, Bolivia. She is a lecturer and tutor in Systematic Theology, in the Saint Peter department of Theology of the Catholic Bolivian University. This department currently has around 160…

Saint Raphaela Mary Foundation

    The Saint Raphaela Mary Foundation was created by the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This Foundation of social solidarity promotes the full development of the person, both human and Christian, and it’s particularly focused on the underprivileged. The Saint Raphaela Mary Foundation is in charge of the social projects currently delivered…

On a mission… in Cuba

Living in Cuba! Sixteen years ago, 1999, it seemed almost impossible that I would come and live on this island located opposite the Atlantic Ocean, doubly isolated, and about whose life little was known! Today, after eight years living in Cuba, I feel that I am part of this reality to which God brought me…

Saint Mary’s School – Beckenham, England

Em Beckenham, perto de Londres, as Escravas fundaram em conjunto com a Diocese o colégio de St Mary’s. Dos 3 anos até ao 6º ano, cerca de 800 crianças sentem-se em casa nesta escola, disfrutando dos óptimos jardins e de um ambiente onde se valoriza cada pessoa como única, tal como desejava Santa Rafaela Maria.

Westgate Road, Beckenham
Kent, BR3 5DE
Tel +44 (020) 8650 2355